Friday, December 14, 2012

Times are changing

The author in this commentary named, Watch out for your girlfriends.. , is commenting about gay marriage and specifically about an article opposing gay marriage from the religious right. The author is in favor of legalizing gay marriage in Texas and I agree that Texas should. There were a few good points made. For example the revenue these gay marriages would bring and what developed countries have legalized it.
While the U.S. Supreme court is going to make a decision in the near future about gay marriage. Regardless of the outcome it will still be debated for years to come, look at Roe v Wade. This is one of the main things that separates a Liberal from a Democratic. 

 While I don’t necessary belief in the lifestyle, but I have no problem socializing with gay people, gay marriage should be legalized.  First and foremost we most protect against infringement of personal liberties. We might not believe in certain lifestyles such as being gay, doing drugs and gambling or even more extreme cases such as demonstrations by extremism groups like the KKK. These rights must be protected. A point made by the author is that gay couples can’t have children, so they would adopt kids that don’t have a home. This would help youth without a home. I see this as something good, but as something bad. The good part would be the obvious. The child would have a home, but the bad part is that the U.S. isn’t that liberal yet.  A Gay couple with a child is almost like an interracial couple with a child in a pre civil rights movement in the south. This is just a lot of hardship for a child, but I believe in a few decades this won’t be a factor.

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