Friday, November 2, 2012

Opposition to Planned Parenthood

There has been a lot of controversy between Planned Parenthood and Texas Conservatives because of Planned Parenthood's affiliation with abortion, which by law federal funding can’t be used for abortions. Texas legislators passed a law that any program affiliated with abortion will not be in the Women’s Health Program.  By passing this law this essentially stopped federal funding to Planned Parenthood which provides about 90% of the funds because it isn’t under the Women’s Health Program. 

The main reason that Texas legislators made the right decision is because the federal government should not provide funding for medical care of any. This is the individual’s responsibilities. Government dependency should be at a minimum, but on the other hand I do agree with a lot with what Planned Parenthood stands for. One of these is the freedom of woman to make choices whether it is using a contraceptives or the pro-choice viewpoint. I find Planned Parenthood’s mission coincides with my strong thoughts about individual freedom:

“Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence.”

But I also believe that minimum government will help individuals accomplish this goal. Not the other way around when the government gets involved and funds programs like these. 

To some this idea of the Government not funding programs like this seems selfish. The only way for this country to become stronger is first by becoming stronger as an individual and then becoming stronger as a whole. My overall view point on this wasn’t a conservative one of pro-life, but one of minimum government and government dependency.  The perfect balance is if Planned Parenthood could be funded by other sources other than the federal government. In a perfect world this would come solely from private donors.

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